Mystic Garden

Price Range:

  • Unique Piece
  • Signed Piece

Dimensions & Materials

Studio Brynjar & Veronika

Studio Brynjar & Veronika is a collaborative art and design venture helmed by Brynjar Sigurðarson and Veronika Sedlmair. Situated in Immenstadt, Germany, the studio combines various artistic mediums, often exploring the intersection of myth and reality.

For more than ten years, Veronika and Brynjar have curated a diverse portfolio, drawing inspiration from theatrical and natural elements. Their work intertwines anthropology, geology, and narrative, resulting in a collection of imaginative pieces spanning drawings, photographs, video, sound, and objects...

Mystic Garden - Studio Brynjar & Veronika - Table light Mystic Garden - Studio Brynjar & Veronika - Table light

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