The Silent Village Coffee table

Price Range:

  • Unique Piece
  • The Silent Village Collection


Dimensions & Materials

Styled with

Satellite 3 Mirror - Pierre Charpin - Coffee table - Galerie kreo

Satellite 3 Mirror

Pierre Charpin

Nil Mirror - Jean-Baptiste Fastrez - Coffee table - Galerie kreo

Nil Mirror

Jean-Baptiste Fastrez

2053/G/S - Franco and Franca Albini and Helg  - Coffee table - Galerie kreo


Franco and Franca Albini and Helg

854 -   A.R.P - Coffee table - Galerie kreo



Rio Mirror - Jean-Baptiste Fastrez - Coffee table - Galerie kreo

Rio Mirror

Jean-Baptiste Fastrez

Brynjar Sigurðarson

Brynjar Sigurðarson (1986) received a master’s degree in product design from ECAL (Lausanne), in 2011, and a bachelor degree from The Iceland Academy of the Arts (Reykjavík). Since 2011 he has been establishing his studio along with teaching at the Masters Department at ECAL. He founded Studio Brynjar & Veronika in 2014.

Brynjar Sigurðarson´s work is very linked to storytelling and narratives, which are deeply rooted in Icelandic culture. He uses various media such as drawings, photography, video, sound and furniture in order to convey his work in a fruitful and a specific way...

The Silent Village Coffee table - Brynjar Sigurðarson - Coffee table

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