It is the story of a metamorphosis. The one of a rudimentary material that suddenly submits itself to an extreme meticulousness. The one of a material suited to architecture that opens out all of a sudden to the scale of an object. This material, the fiber concrete Ductal® developed by Lafarge, derived from the new generation of concretes said to be with ultrahigh performances...
It is the story of a metamorphosis. The one of a rudimentary material that suddenly submits itself to an extreme meticulousness. The one of a material suited to architecture that opens out all of a sudden to the scale of an object. This material, the fiber concrete Ductal® developed by Lafarge, derived from the new generation of concretes said to be with ultrahigh performances. This one contains synthetic fibers, embedded in the mass. They play the role devolving to traditional reinforcements, but are endowed with way higher performances.For a long time the designer Martin Szekely was seeking to confront himself to a « heavy » material, like this emblematic concrete from the world of constructions. Therefore, to size up the material requires sometimes time. Two years, in the present case – the first sketches date from 2005 .
This research is directly in keeping with the work carried by the designer for a dozen of years. Its introductory principle: the project is the synthesis of various existing data that are derived in majority from the material itself. Thus, the object is not derived from a drawing but results from the inherent qualities of fiber concrete.
« The form of the tops, all in curves, have more in common with a paste applied with a roller than with a drawing, confirms Szekely. Moreover, it recalls that the material was, at a certain point, in an almost liquid state ». Besides, fiber concrete Ductal®, has its own logic: « It is a cast material: it can be poured or pressed like a waffle », remarks the designer. From where the idea to work with fiber concrete « like a skin ». Thickness of the skin: 0,31 inches (8 mm). « this thickness was calculated to be the most accurate, insists Szekely. It is almost impossible to thin it down, it wouldn’t work ».To question the materials until their limits remains one of the fetishistic inclinations of the designer. Idem with the notion of « visual economy ». According to Szekely, it is about assembling « pieces in the most economical way ». Therefore no ostentatious details, quite on the contrary. This way, the system for fixing the legs, two cones that meticulously come to fit one into the other playing the role of a bracing, is invisible. Like the only « mechanical » piece used for his pieces of furniture: a jack. The latter is dissimulated in each leg and allows regulating the top’s horizontality within millimeters.« What is interesting in the Concrete project, explains Martin Szekely, it is the shift from the culture of building and concrete’s original destination: construction sites ». Fiber concrete can be indeed thin, light and however very solid. It is manipulated with an extreme care (« a laboratory vigor », says the designer), in a hygrometry and a perfect and constant temperature. From which this impeccable finish that approves a simple contact with the hand. « The concern for domesticity was permanent », precises Szekely. The material of a silky grey pale, is not porous anymore, almost delicate. A little as if it was unveiling unexpectedly a new face, a second nature.
Christian Simenc, Paris, February 2008