Pierre Disderot
France — b. 1920 — d. 1991
Pierre Disderot studied at the Arts Décoratifs and the Ecole Boulle before creating, in 1947, his own lighting company «Atelier Pierre Disderot». He got inspired by scandinavians lighting makers from the 1940ies and initiated a style in contemporary decorative lighting. His work correspond to the consumer’s will.. He worked together with designers as René-Jean Caillette, Pierre Guariche, Pierre Paulin or Alain Richard who imagine many projects to edit. Disderot’s light are part of the most avant-gardist pieces of their time.
Pierre Disderot studied at the Arts Décoratifs and the Ecole Boulle before creating, in 1947, his own lighting company «Atelier Pierre Disderot». He got inspired by scandinavians lighting makers from the 1940ies and initiated a style in contemporary decorative lighting. His work correspond to the consumer’s will.. He worked together with designers as René-Jean Caillette, Pierre Guariche, Pierre Paulin or Alain Richard who imagine many projects to edit. Disderot’s light are part of the most avant-gardist pieces of their time.