Fernando Brizio
Angola — b. 1968
Born in Angola, Fernando Brízio holds a degree in Design from the Faculty of Fine Art in Lisbon, the city where he lives and works. His work, which at times is developed without it being commissioned, has in some instances challenged the disciplinary boundaries. He has developed objects produced industrially as well as limited series, along with exhibitions, sets design and interior spaces for companies and organizations such as, Droog (NL), Experimentadesign (PT), Cor Unum (NL), Nike (PT), Authentics (DE), Fábrica Rafael Bordallo Pinheiro (PT), ModaLisboa (PT), Il Coccio (IT), Established & Sons(UK), Choreographer Rui Horta (PT), Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art (PT), Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art (PT) e Galerie Kreo (FR) among others...
Born in Angola, Fernando Brízio holds a degree in Design from the Faculty of Fine Art in Lisbon, the city where he lives and works. His work, which at times is developed without it being commissioned, has in some instances challenged the disciplinary boundaries. He has developed objects produced industrially as well as limited series, along with exhibitions, sets design and interior spaces for companies and organizations such as, Droog (NL), Experimentadesign (PT), Cor Unum (NL), Nike (PT), Authentics (DE), Fábrica Rafael Bordallo Pinheiro (PT), ModaLisboa (PT), Il Coccio (IT), Established & Sons(UK), Choreographer Rui Horta (PT), Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art (PT), Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art (PT) e Galerie Kreo (FR) among others. He is a Professor and the coordinator of the Product Design Master´s program at ESAD-CR, and has been a visiting professor at ECAL- Lausanne and HFG – Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design. He has participated in numerous conferences and juries in Portugal and abroad. His work is exhibited and published internationally, forming part of the permanent collection at MUDE Museum of Design and Fashion in Lisbon, and of IMA – Indianápolis Museum of Art, as well as various private collections.