- Angelo Mangiarotti -

Angelo Mangiarotti

Italy — b. 1921 — d. 2012

Available Works

Cup - Angelo Mangiarotti - Miscellaneous - Galerie kreo

Angelo Mangiarotti

Cup - Angelo Mangiarotti - Miscellaneous - Galerie kreo

Angelo Mangiarotti

Cup - Angelo Mangiarotti - Miscellaneous - Galerie kreo

Angelo Mangiarotti


Born in Milan in 1921, Angelo Mangiarotti studied architecture at the Politechnical School of Milan.

He built a career in architecture and industrial design. In 1953, Mangiarotti moved in the United States and worked as a professor at the Technological Institute of Illinois, where he met Frank Lloyd Wright, Walter Gropius and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe ; distinguished personnalities of Bauhaus.

In 1960, Mangiarotti returned to Italy and founded an architecture agency with Bruno Morasutti. In 1989, he developped Mangiarotti & Associates Office, an agency based in Tokyo.

Mangiarotti concentrated his work in the plastic research in its globality...

Born in Milan in 1921, Angelo Mangiarotti studied architecture at the Politechnical School of Milan.

He built a career in architecture and industrial design. In 1953, Mangiarotti moved in the United States and worked as a professor at the Technological Institute of Illinois, where he met Frank Lloyd Wright, Walter Gropius and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe ; distinguished personnalities of Bauhaus.

In 1960, Mangiarotti returned to Italy and founded an architecture agency with Bruno Morasutti. In 1989, he developped Mangiarotti & Associates Office, an agency based in Tokyo.

Mangiarotti concentrated his work in the plastic research in its globality.
He received many prizes for his work as architect and designer like : Domus Formica Prize in 1956 as well as Il Compasso d’Oro ADI for his career in 1994.

Group Shows

Angelo Mangiarotti - monobloc
Group Show

January 19 - March 25, 2017

Angelo Mangiarotti - One piece a day
Group Show

September 12 - October 22, 2016

Angelo Mangiarotti - Lumières à l'italienne
Group Show

February 12 - March 20, 2016