Alain Richard
France — b. 1926 — d. 2017
Alain Richard is a French designer born in 1926. It leaves major in 1949 from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs.
In the 50s Alain Richard lives in Holland and work with Henri Salomson. In 1952, he worked for Orly airport, Crédit Agricole, Banque de France and RATP (drawing Auber) and founded his own agency with his wife, Jacqueline lribe, daughter of the famous designer Paul lribe.
He has collaborated with André Monpoix and designed furniture in the 50s edited by Vecchione and TV stands. Alain Richard received the grand prize of the Milan Triennale and the price René Gabriel, among many other awards...
Alain Richard is a French designer born in 1926. It leaves major in 1949 from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs.
In the 50s Alain Richard lives in Holland and work with Henri Salomson. In 1952, he worked for Orly airport, Crédit Agricole, Banque de France and RATP (drawing Auber) and founded his own agency with his wife, Jacqueline lribe, daughter of the famous designer Paul lribe.
He has collaborated with André Monpoix and designed furniture in the 50s edited by Vecchione and TV stands. Alain Richard received the grand prize of the Milan Triennale and the price René Gabriel, among many other awards. He also received many orders Mobilier National in the 70s.